Crosspoint Church has been selected for hosting the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Team that is coming to help with the clean-up efforts in our area. The Red Cross is also involved. We do not know yet how many to expect or for how long, but some people will be coming from great distances to help. They will pay their own way and will sleep on air mattresses while they are here helping our Mohawk Valley neighbors. Please consider adjusting your schedule to help. It would be great to see more than 50 Crosspointers respond to Ed Hart’s request below.
Also please pray the forecasted weather turns out to be much better than what’s predicted, for no injuries or loss of life thoughout this episode, and for opportunities to be a witness for Jesus.
From Ed Hart:
Pastors, Please let your folks know that the BCNY Disaster Relief Recovery Unit has been called out for mud-out (removing debris from flooded homes) work in Herkimer County. We will be staying at Crosspoint Church in Whitesboro (Sam Macri, Pastor) beginning this coming Thursday, July 4. This will also be command central for this project. I will serve as the initial Blue Hat supervisor for the project. We would like to see as many Central New Yorkers as possible involved in this outreach.
Anyone who can help for whatever amount of time please contact us. Even if you have not had the formal training, we can provide on-the-job-training. (Crosspointers – email or call us and we can get a list to Ed. macrifamilymail@yahoo.com or 853-4976.)