Couples Weekend Event At Crosspoint Church in Whitesboro
Calling all Couples!
Here is your opportunity to enjoy a nice meal out together and have a fun time investing in your marriage!
Our long-time friends, Burben and Martha Sullins from Mobile, AL, will be leading us as we discover (and maybe rediscover) some Encouragement for Nourishing a Happy Marriage.
On Friday, March 11, 6:30-9:30pm we’ll start with a Pot Luck- Bring veggies, sides, and desserts to complement the glazed ham!
On Saturday, March 12, 10:30am-1:30pm, we’ll start with Brunch- breakfast casseroles, fruit, and bagels. No need to bring anything…unless you are one of the several we’ll be calling upon.
Expect to enjoy some great fellowship, lots of laughter, and to come away encouraged. Married couples and couples looking forward to marriage are encouraged to attend. Invite your friends, too. Just so we have enough prepared, please sign-up on the list in the foyer at church or you can send an email to Marla or Darlene at: james555@twcny.rr.com or macrifamilymail@yahoo.com. (Both sessions will be at the Whitesboro Crosspoint location.)