We are hosting our own church-wide shoebox packing event Saturday, November 15th, at 10am. Please bring your whole family for a couple of hours of blessing kids around the world by packing shoeboxes.
DONATIONS: We need packing stuff (toys, hygiene, school supplies), wrapping paper and adult shoeboxes. Drop-off receptacle is in the church foyer! Each box costs about $7 to ship, too. We will have envelopes available at the Packing Event. This is a great opportunity for kids to get away from the gimme’s this time of year.
REMEMBER: Every shoebox represents one kid: one kid that will likely get their first and only Christmas gift, and likely hear about Jesus for the first (and sometimes ONLY time). Every shoebox counts!
If you have any questions, or would like to give in another way, please contact Sarah Macri at 315-552-4463 (please leave a voicemail if no answer) and scmacri@gmail.com