I. Called to what?
A. Seems simple enough. (Matthew 4:18-22).
“Men are much harder to catch than fish.”
B. Good reasons not to follow? (Matthew 8:18-22).
C. Prioritizing our life. (Luke 14:25-35).
“Forsaking all to follow Him.”
D. Even unto death? (John 21:15-19)
“Follow Me.”
II. Mission minded.
A. A good soldier of Jesus Christ. (II Timothy 2:1-13).
“Does not entangle himself in the affairs of this life.”
B. Serve the Lord without distraction. (I Corinthians 7:29-35).
“Singleness is not a gap in time.”
C. Trimming the fat. (Matthew 5:27-30).
“Weeding out those things which pull us away.”
III. The great adventure.
A. Don’t settle for less. (James 1:12-18)
“Every good and perfect gift comes from above.”
B. Devine invitation. (Isaiah 55:1-13)
“You are invited to the journey of a life-time.”